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Listening exercises

You're just one step away from the formative test. To practise a little extra with the past simple and present perfect we will also do some listening exercises. One exercise is about recognising the past simple, the other one about recognising the present perfect.

  • You must complete both exercises.
  • You may choose the exercise you want to do first.

Hint: the exercise on the left is easier šŸ˜‰




  1. Look at this clip fromĀ Friends.
  2. Find at least 16 exercises that use the past simpleĀ and write them down in the field at the bottom left.
  3. Write all the verbs that use the past simple in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  4. Do you think you found everything?Ā Fill in your details and hit verzenden. You will directly receive the key, so you can check your own work.


Hint 1: looking for a challenge? Try finding all the sentences that use the past simple without looking at the subtitles.

Hint 2: in total, there are 24 sentences that use theĀ past simple.




  1. Look at the various clips in this YouTube clip.
  2. Write the sentences that use the present perfect in the field (invulveld) at the bottom.
  3. Find at least 15 sentences that use the present perfect.
  4. Did you find them all? Fill in your name and e-mail address and hit verzenden. You will immediately receive an e-mail with the answers, so you can check your own work.


Hint 1: looking for a challenge? Try finding all the sentences that use the present perfect without looking at the subtitles (ondertiteling).

Hint 2: in total, there are 26 sentences that use the present perfect.





Are you ready for the f-test (f-toets)? Click HERE.

You can do the other exercises again if you would like to practise some more before the test.

Exercise 1 (8 multiple-choice questions)
Exercise 2 (Ed Puzzle quiz + Socrative quiz)
Exercise 3 (Listening / writing exercise with tv clips)



Would you like to watch the instruction video again? No problem!